It’s Monday and time to make more egg shell water for this week’s porridge or for times when I can use some egg shell water in other recipes.

I have been washing & freezing the eggs shells this past week, leaving in the membrane. Today I have 20 raw frozen egg shells so it will make 2 litres of egg shell water.

I put the frozen egg shells into the nutri-mill with a 1/4 cup water and crushed them fine. A blender would have done it as well. The membrane is all chewed up as well.

I put 2 tablespoons lemon juice in a 2 litre jar and added the egg shells.
I boiled the water and let it stand for 10 minutes & then poured it into the jar. I put a glass sealer lid on the jar and left it on the counter until it was room temperature. I strained out the shells with a sieve that allowed the really fine shells to go into the saved water and stored it in the fridge in 2 sealers with lids.

I am sure most of us have eaten eggs since we were little, unless there is an allergy problem. But we may never have realized the benefits of using part of the egg shells in our diet as well. I didn’t either, until one day I read the nutritional benefits of part of the egg membrane.

The membrane that separates the white from the shell is full of protein, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin; plus a few other beneficial nutrients. So I have just shared with you how easy it is to take most of these nutrients out of the membrane & add them to certain homemade meal recipes where water is needed? I always use it when making porridge.

The motion of our joints produces lubricin, but lubricin can be destroyed by inflammation of the joints. Together the lubricin & hyaluronic acid in the membrane help provide a cushioning between our joints during impact.
The other nutrients in egg shells as well are very helpful for our bones and joints. If we want to keep our bones, cartilage and muscles as healthy as possible, all of these nutrients are of great benefit to us.

No bought canned soup can compare to soup made from liquid that has these nutrients added to it.

Awhile back I shared the benefits of bone broth in a post. By including both the bone broth and the liquid made from egg shell membrane in preparing certain foods, we are providing our bodies with many more nutrients; ones that can help keep our bones, joints as well as many other parts of our bodies healthy.

Nutrients in bone broth and egg membrane broth:
Protein, lubricant, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin, as well as small amounts of many other beneficial nutrients found in egg shell water and bone broth.

I often buy a bag of lemons and squeeze them all at once, putting the juice into ice cube trays. Freeze and then put the frozen cubes into a plastic bag in the freezer.
I then have small amounts of juice ready to thaw and use when making the egg shell water or bone broth.

*What we once threw out into the garbage, we now see as a treasure for our gardens and our health.

The remaining shells would then be considered garbage, but if you have a garden, they are precious to sprinkle in the holes and around the tomato and cucumber plants when transplanting. These help keep the cut worms & slugs away from the plants and as well provide nutrients to the soil.

I mix, measure & boil 1 cup of egg shell water with the 1/4 cup oatmeal, 1/8 cup chia seeds and 1/8 cup hemp sends each morning to make our porridge. We then top this with 2 tablespoons crushed flax for a very nutritious breakfast!

I use some of this when adding water to a casserole or soup.

This liquid can be added as part of the liquid in breakfast juice, rice, porridge, buckwheat, quinoa, sauce, etc. That way you are getting small amounts of minerals throughout the day.


To save the strained out shells until the gardens are ready to plant, put them on a pie plate in the sunny window or on the heat register to dry. Once dry, store them in a container until it is time to garden.

To Our Health & Our Garden’s Best!