CRUNCHY GRANOLA – 48 (1/2 cup) servings

Have you ever felt sick & tired of the same thing for breakfast? Like me, you may know that oatmeal is healthy, so you eat a bowl full to start the day. So when morning comes the easiest & quickest thing to do is just to have the same menu!

This morning we both agreed that we were tired of having oatmeal and we wanted a change. So I got out the granola recipe, made a few extra changes and by mid morning a huge batch was baked and ready; enough for 24 days for two of us. Some can be frozen & what you will eat in the coming weeks can be refrigerated.

First we wanted it crunchy, sweet enough so we didn’t have to add sweetener and then I wanted it packed with as many healthy seeds as possible. We could still add the flax and hemp seeds that we know are beneficial and have been a part of our daily menu for many, many years now.

By preparing this batch of granola, making breakfast can also be quick and easy. We will take a half cup of granola, add the crushed flax and hemp seeds and then add 1/2 cup milk or unsweetened juice of choice. For a change we can add a quarter cup raisins, cranberries or any fresh fruit.

Crunchy, sweet enough and delicious!

You are soon ready to head to work or be off to whatever you have planned!

For times when you have no time to eat before you leave, have 1/2 cup bags of granola in the fridge ready to grab as you head out of the door; together with a coffee or juice if you wish. This can still be a fairly nutritious substitute for breakfast.

For this granola recipe, go to my website and look under breakfasts for CRUNCHY GRANOLA! Enjoy Winnie!