CREATE A HEALTHIER CABBAGE ROLL – a large roaster full!

When they are done I will place them on cookie sheets to freeze; then put them into a plastic bag. That way I can take out one or more, or as many as is needed for a meal.

This morning I decided to add to my cabbage roll recipe so it would include my beneficial nutrients.

That way we are getting more of what our body needs to keep us healthy and strong.

Cabbage is very healthy so it is a very important & healthy vegetable.

Adding pulses to our diet provides us with so many vitamins, minerals and as well extra plant protein so today I am adding 2 cups of cooked fava beans. I will blend them up with the eggs so it becomes quite smooth. The eggs help the cabbage rolls keep their shape & stay together.

Instead of using all rice in the recipe, I usually use other seeds. Today I used buckwheat & brown rice, but often I will use half buckwheat and half quinoa as the quinoa is also packed with other beneficial nutrients.

I have been blessed to have many jars of healthy tomato juice that we canned last year so I will pour that over the rolls before baking.

With this lunch today we ate some celery; knowing how good it is for our blood pressure. A green salad would also be a great side dish with the cabbage rolls; I just didn’t have time for that.

For this recipe, go to the meats category on my website. Enjoy! Winnie