We are having lovely spring like weather and the snow is melting. Of course we know that tomorrow it could be cold again or snowing, but we will enjoy the change in weather and dream of planting the garden; choosing & buying the seeds can be a great start!

Our seeds actually arrived so I plan on starting a few seeds for early tomatoes, watermelons and cantaloupe. The rest I will buy at the greenhouse & most of the seeds will go right into the garden when the time is right. I can hardly wait!


I am always cutting recipes out of magazines and newspapers so they seem to pile up. The other day I decided to go through them and throw out ones I will never use. We are trying to eat as healthy as possible and some have just too many ingredients we are trying to avoid.

I came across an article that came from Alberta on growing good sized watermelons and cantaloupe even though their season can be short, so I had clipped it out. Even though I have never tried it, I felt it is worth passing on. To warm up the planting area, the article mentioned that this person has great success by laying a black sheet of plastic on the ground with holes for placing each plant and as well so the rain or water can get through. Then place a 6 ml sheet of clear plastic held up with peony wire frames, being sure to secure it on all the ends in the soil to keep it warm underneath and as well to keep the plastic secure for windy days. Just by providing that warmth in May and June they had great success in growing large delicious watermelons and cantaloupe. There was no mention of how the plot go watered, but maybe we each will figure out what is the best way! Some years our season isn’t that long so this might be something I would try if our spring is cooler.

I have found the best way to get a bumper pea crop is to grow the plants with a fence for the plants to climb on. It keeps the plants dry and free from disease but as well provides a way for the plants to grow higher and give us lots of peas that are easier to find.

But now we just plan and dream & the seeds will have to wait a few more weeks to be put into the ground. We look forward to a great garden with plenty of produce to enjoy and to share!
