It was only yesterday that we enjoyed family outings, friend’s birthday parties, graduation, Sunday school and church, eating out, socials, going to school, going to work; all activities that contributed to our mental health.

Today most of us are asked to stay home, do school and work from our homes and for some this is maybe very hard. On the radio today they mentioned that all ages are going back to doing puzzles; yes, even our young people, Stores are selling them as quick as they put them out.

Between the busyness of daily work & learning we do need to take time to relax. Puzzles, games & other activities can keep us occupied and give pleasure. We are each unique and find joy in different activities.

Personally I love to cook, bake, garden and create new and healthy recipes using all the produce & grains we have right here on our farm & in our home. Now during this time of uncertainty, I am spending my time reading books that feed my creative juices to serve healthy meals & others that feed my soul, so I am trying to keep us physically and mentally healthy.

Since 1988 I have been publishing cookbooks giving me the opportunity to share the many delicious recipes I have put together and served in our home. When life brought us floods, drought, sickness or accidents, I learned to adapt and prepare & provide healthy meals for our family of seven.

Baking with yeast is something I learned from my Grandmother when I was very little so once married, instead of buying flours, we bought a grain mill and I turned our own grains into bread, buns and many other unique recipes that were healthy yet delicious.

I continue to get orders for my cookbooks & last week I got one for 2 more of my favorite recipe cookbooks, “EAT MORE WHOLE GRAINS”. This is what Suzanne said:

My all time favorite recipe book is your, “EAT MORE WHOLE GRAINS cookbook”. I have given copies to all the bakers in my family, and even have a copy in the RV so I never leave home without it!

I have been a home baker since the early 80’s grinding my own wheat to make delicious bread, cakes and cookies . . . but this book has challenged my approach to interchanging different grains to adapt a more healthy dietary lifestyle”.

Your book is well written, easy to follow and has recipe direction for mixing by hand as well as using a Bosch which makes baking fast and easy. I would recommend this recipe book to everyone who likes to bake or cook with grains, seeds & other healthy ingredients.

Well done Winnie!

Suzanne from Terrace B.C.

The drought of 1988 taught me to pinch pennies and using our own grains was one easy way to serve healthy breads at very little cost. A loaf of bread costed me less than 20 cents. Of course cakes, cookies and other healthy recipes made as well using our own grains & garden produce that are in this cookbook can be very inexpensive to make, yet very healthy.

Over 200 recipes plus hundreds of helpful hints on serving healthy foods are packed into this EAT MORE WHOLE GRAINS cookbook. Each yeast recipe comes with instructions to mix dough by hand as well as by using a mixing machine; a dough hook can develop the gluten in 9 minutes saving the need to let the dough rise before putting into pans. But some bakers love the feel of the dough & go for the hand mixing experience.

If you aren’t ready to make bread, you will find a good selection of recipes for easy to make nutritious meatless dishes, crepes, pancakes, tortillas, cookies, cakes, soups & more.

This attractive & inexpensive cookbook is a must-have during these days when we want to stay healthy and fight this virus, but it will also make a great gift for other health conscious cooks looking for a handy helper for everyday use.

An eBook supplement with recipes that use ingredients for people experiencing allergies & intolerances (dairy free, gluten free, sugar free etc) will be emailed free with each cookbook purchase.

While the price of each cookbook has always been very affordable, now while we are facing financial challenges because of the carona virus, I want to discount this cookbook by 50%. You can order this cookbook and receive the free email supplement for only $7.45 plus postage. To view my cookbooks, go to winnie@winnieswinningways & to order you can use Pay Pal’s secure site on the website. All the Best of Health to You & your Family!      Winnie