I decided to use bone broth for lunch in a pot of chicken noodle soup. I always make soup from scratch, but today I was in a hurry so I made this soup by using a package of soup mix as follows:

4 cups bone broth
1 package reduced-sodium chicken noodle soup mix
1 teaspoon dried powdered leeks
1 teaspoon dried powdered parsley
1 teaspoon dried powdered Swiss chard

All 3 of the above powders can be left out, but I now found it an excellent way to add these nutritious powders that I made from my garden produce last summer to meals that I serve. The soup has a green color, but the taste is delicious. Even though these powders are dried, I still store them in the freezer.
Boil as directed on the package.
Monthly . . .
I usually boil a large pot of beef bones without adding any herbs or spices (just a few tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar) once a month or so and freeze the broth calling it bone broth in the freezer. It can then be used in any recipe, even pudding or porridge because it has little taste.

If I have served a meat that has spices and herbs added, and I cook those bones for broth, I will call it soup broth in the freezer and use it only when making soups, stews or casseroles.
The nutritional benefits of bone broth are extremely great, so it is well worth my time & energy. By making large batches at once, I will then have plenty frozen for the coming month.
Enjoy better health by serving super foods! Sincerely Winnie